Since Xcode version 4.2 Apple introduced ARC, if you want to build an application with this feature enabled and google api support it’s not possible anymore to simple import the Gdata framework but you have to follow these simple steps:
1. Download the last svn version with the command:
svn checkout gdata-objectivec-client-read-only
2.Open the Gdata.xcodeproj project located inside the source folder
3. With the alt key pressed, click on the down arrow next to the folder Gdata Sources, you will notice that all the subfolders will be expanded
4. Select all the files inside the Gdata Sources folder and its subfolders. If you want to use Oauth2 for the login, inside the Optional subfolder there are 2 folders called iOS and Mac, you need to select only the file in the correct subfolder according to the type of application you are developing
5. Drag all the selected files inside your application project (maybe in a folder)
6. Go in Targets -> Build Phases – > Compile Sources in your project’s options, select all the google api files, press enter and in the window that appear write -fno-objc-arc
7. Now move to the Summary tab and add the Security.framework and SystemConfiguration.framework
That’s all. You are ready to start developing your app with google api support and ARC feature enabled.
If you want to use only the api of a single Google service, you don’t need to copy all the files inside the Gdata Sources, just The files inside Common and those inside the folder of the service you need.